Monday 25 April 2011

The Hairstyles of Anne Kennedy

In honour of Anne winning the competition for 'Who is your favourite Abduction Club character (2011)' During the course of this week I will be putting up some special Anne related posts. I hope you enjoy them all.

Here is a collection of screencaps I have compilled of Anne's hairsyles, they are all so beautiful. If I ever get the chance I think I will have to try some of these out on my hair!

Hairstyle 1

Hairstyle 2

Hairstyle 3

Hairstyle 4

Hairstyle 6

Hairstyle 6

Hairstyle 7

Hairstyle 8

My favourite is 'Hairstyle 6' without a doubt- I love it! Which one is yours?


Miss Laurie said...

All of Anne's hairstyles are very pretty! My favorite is Style 3, so pretty and curly on top of her head! I also like Style 1 & Style 8 with the longer curly strands hanging down. Style 5 is interesting too. It would be great to find some tutorials on how to do some of these hairstyles, they are so pretty! Thanks for this delightful post! :)

~Miss Laurie
Old-Fashioned Charm

Mel said...

Thanks for commenting. I am thinking of trying out some of Anne's hairstyles on my sister and writing a tutorial along with some pictures. They are all so beautiful it would be a shame not to try some of them out :)