Thursday 7 April 2011

The Abduction Club Soundtrack

Guess what I got in the mail?
YES! *squealing* Thats right I finally recieved The Abduction Club Soundtrack! I will be posting up my review in the next couple of days (hopefully tomorrow) but until then here are a few photos of my new CD :)

Inside the cover was also a little booklet containing some beautiful pictures from the film (see below picture)

Another wonderful surprise was the booklet contained two different CD cover designs, one of Anne and Strang and the other of Catharine and Byrne. How awesome is that!

Cover Number 1

Cover Number 2

I had thought I would use 'Cover Number 2' with Strang and Anne because Byrne and Catharine are or the front cover of my DVD. But which cover to you prefer?


1 comment:

Miss Laurie said...

Wow! That's great! I love it when booklets like these come with CDs. So many lovely pictures too!
I think I like the Anne & Byrne cover best but both are lovely! :)

~Miss Laurie
Old-Fashioned Charm