Tuesday 19 April 2011

A Tie! New 2-day poll to reveal winner

Firstly, a huge 'Thank you' to those who voted, particularly those who jumped aboard today during the last 5 hours. 6 votes in total, that is awesome! Well here are the long awaited results:
Catherine: 16% (1 Vote)
Anne: 33% (2 Votes)
Byrne: 16% (1 Vote)
Strang: 33% (2 Votes)

Unfortunatley it was a tie between Anne and Strang, and what I have in mind for the winner wont work unless there is just one winner :(  therefore I am going to run a two-day only poll between Anne and Strang :)

So you have two days to get your votes in and vote for the your favourite Abduction Club character for 2011. If you didn't vote before perhaps now is the time, if you did vote before- please vote again :)

Much Love,

Tristans_Isolde xx

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