Monday 18 July 2011

Who is your favourite AC character and why?

During this week I really wanted to get some input from my readers here on this blog so I have a question for you all:

Who is your favourite character and why?

I think it would be great to include your responses in a special post on the 22nd, wouldn't that be an awesome way to finish off the week! Of course I will be including my own response to this question, which will be up with your's on Friday.
You can post your answer as a comment below or email me at

I look forward to hearing your responses.
Love Mel xx

UPDATE (30/07/2011): Unfortunately I did not receive any responses to this question and therefore there never was a response post on the 22nd. If you have happened across this post and you still feel like answering this question I would love to hear from you and post it up on this blog.

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