Wednesday 20 July 2011

My favourite quotes

I love so many of the quotes in the film it was so hard to narrow it down to just five but here they are:


"Right. So, do talk about music,...don't talk about...dead mothers "
- Garrett Byrne

Okay so this quote sums up Byrne's entire strategy for charming Miss Kennedy. I find it quite funny and every time I watch this film I love how this quote is so different to Byrnes strategy later in the film.


"Anne, don't be alarmed! Ive come to rescue you!"
- Power

"Argh, can I never escape him? How do we get out?
- Anne Kennedy

I absolutely love all the quotes when Anne is speaking to or of Power. It was hard to pick just one, but I think this one is great I love the scene and how she runs like a mad woman to get away later proclaiming "I will not be rescued by that horrid man!"


"Look, erm, I'm...I'm...I'm fit, I'm quite...clever, er...I'm told I'm tolerably handsome, erm..."
- James Strang

I laugh at this scene every single time I watch it, it is perhaps the most uncomfortable proposal scene I have watched. I love how he is trying - and failing rather badly at trying to describe his attributes. Alike Anne I wouldn't be convinced...


"I pity those who have not looked upon your face. How barren their dreams must be."
- James Strang

When Strang says this to Anne in Italian it just melts my heart. It is a particularly sweet moment because Strang doesn't really like to show his true feelings. He often states "they either like you or they don't" giving the audience the idea that he doesn't mind either way- that he is not particularly interested romantically in Anne. This quote allows is our sneak peak, if you like into the real Strang after this the 'I don't care' act doesn't hold up.

and finally my favourite quote:


"I would do anything to make sure that tears never fall from your face again."
- Garrett Byrne

I love this quote so much, it is so sweet and romantic. This scene is my favourite in the entire movie because I loved the conversation and chemistry between Catharine and Byrne. The struggle for Catharine- having kept so much hidden, carrying such a burden and then revealing it despite expecting that it may forever separate her from the man she loved. When Byrne says this its such a romantic moment, I just love Byrne :)

What are your favourite quotes from the film? How do they compare with my favourites?

Much Love,

Mel xx

1 comment:

Miss Laurie said...

Awww! I love these quotes! I haven't seen the film in so long so these quotes bring back a lot of memories of watching the film for the first time and have reminded me how wonderful this film really is!

~Miss Laurie